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Trimming your kite

Trimming the Kite; What Does the Trim Strap Do?


Sheeting position

Sheeting Your Kite – What Does it Do and How Does it Work?


Lines set-up

Properly attaching the kite’s lines to your inflatable kite is very important. Crossed lines can cause your kite to spiral out of control and hurt you or someone else.


Launch & Land your kite

Launching kiteboarding kites is obviously important, and to be safe it is important to understand a few things.


Kite relaunch from water

All you need to do to water launch a bow, hybrid or a delta kite is …


Self rescue

Self-rescue and full pack-down in deep water…


Up-wind boddy-drag

The body drag is an excellent way to get around the water. From beginner to advanced , you will use it for many different things, such as…



Can you water start? It is the move that gets you out of the water, and being able to do it quickly and fluidly is important.

Kite camps , kitesurf lessons in Tarifa Lessons

Flying your kite

Flying your kite for maximum effect while riding a board is an art.
The power of the kite can increase or decrease based on how you fly it, so if you don’t know how it’s done, keep reading!

kiteboarding with his son, Ingo 20 years teaching kitesurfing & and Noah enjoying! Lessons

Riding posture

Proper posture is about effectively leveraging your body’s weight against the kite. With proper form you control the kite and not vice versa.


How Kitesurfing Started

The history of kitesurfing as you all probably thought, but to who do we own this adrenalin water sport? Who had the idea to use a kite to to enhance speed and gravity for the surfer?


Kite Gear

Customize the FORCE Control to your personal needs! Trust in a clearly structured system equipped with high-quality materials.

Kiteboarding House Tarifa

Powered by Dragon Tarifa since ’05

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